יום ראשון, 22 במאי 2016

Micromeria myrtifolia זוטה צפופה מחקר -סרטן

Cytogenetic and Cytotoxic study of

Micromeria myrtifolia Extract on Animal and

Human Cancer Cell Line

Khulood W. Al-Samarraei Ebtehal H. Al-Naimy

Raghad K. Al-lihaibi Rafal S. Al-Ani

Biotechnology Research Center/Al-Nahrain University


The study was designed to evaluate the cytogenetic effect of

Micromeria myrtifolia methanolic extract and cyclophosphamide

in albino male mice (in vivo). The cytogenetic evaluation included

the metaphase index of bone marrow. Two doses 200 and

400mg/kg of extract and one doses of cyclophosphamide 15mg/kg

were investigated as a positive control. Additionally the cytotoxic

effect of Micromeria myrtifolia on two cancer cell line was carried

out. The chemical detection of the flavonoids, polysaccharides and

alkaloids was also carried out. The chemical detection for active

compounds revealed that the methanol extract was positive for

flavonoids and polysaccharides and it was negative for alkaloids.

Also the result showed that M. myrtifolia caused a significant

increase in metaphase index of mice bone marrow cells in

comparison with the negative control (distilled water) and positive

controls (Cyclophosphamide). The methanolic extract showed

some inhibitory effect on L20B and RD cell line growth rate after

72 hr in comparison with control. From this study we conclude

that the M .myrtifolia extracts were effective in enhancing the

values of immunological parameters by increasing the metaphase

index of mice bone marrow cells and the study prove that the M

.myrtifolia extract has significant cytotoxic activity on two types of

tumor cell lines.


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دراسة وراثية خلوية سمية لمستخلص نبات الزوفا

micromeria Myrtifolia في الخلايا السرطانية للانسان والحيوان

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خلود وهيب السامرائي ابتهال حسين النعيمي

رغد كاظم اللهيبي رفل شكيب العاني

مركز بحوث التقنيات الإحيائية/ جامعة النهرين


أجريت الدراسة لمعرفة التأثير الوراثي السمي للمستخلص الميثـانولي لنبـات

الزوفا عقار السايكلوفوسفومايد في ذكور الفئران البيض، كما تضمنت هـذه الدراسـة

معامل الاقسام الخلوي الاستوائي لخلايا نقي العظم، وقد تم استخدام جرعتان بواقع 200

400 ملغم من المستخلص وجرعة واحدة من عقار الـسايكلوفوسفومايد بتركيـز 15

ملغم/ كغم، فضلا عن التأثير السمي لنبات الزوفا عبر خطين من الخلايا السرطانية، كما

تم اجراء الكشف الكيميائي عن مركبات الفلافينودات والسكريات المتعددة والقلويـدات،

وقد ظهر الكشف الكيميائي احتواء المستخلص الميثانولي على الفلافينودات والسكريات

المتعددة وخلوه من القلويدات، كما أظهرت هذه الدراسة وجود زيادة معنوية في معامل

الانقسام الخلوي الاستوائي لنقي العظم في الفئران مقارنة مع السيطرة السالبة (المـاء

المقطر) والسيطرة الموجب (السايلكوفوسفومايد) وأظهر المستخلص الميثانولي تـأثير

تثبيطي في نمو خطي الخلايا السرطانية (RD) (L20B (بعد مدة تعريض بلغـت 72

ساعة مقارنة مع السيطرة ومن هذه الدراسة نستنتج بان مستخلص نبـات الزوفـا ذو

قابلية على تعديل قيم المعاملات المناعية من خلال زيادة طور الانقسام الاسـتوائي فـي

خلايا نخاع العظم للفئران المختبرية واثبتت هذه الدراسة ان نبات الزوفـة ذو فعاليـة

سمية واضحة في خطي الخلايا السرطانية.


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Herbal supplements are dietary supplements that contain herbs,

either singly or in mixture. A herb also called a botanical is a plant or

plant part used for its scent, flavor, and/or therapeutic properties.

Products made from botanicals that are used to maintain or improve

health have been called herbal supplements, botanicals, or

phytomedicines (20).

Herbal remedies and alternative medicines are used throughout

the world, and in the past, herb often represented the original sources

of most drugs. The plant kingdom has provided an endless source of

medicinal plants first used in their crude forms as herbal teas, syrups,

infusions, ointments, liniments and powder (24).

Interest in a large number of traditional natural products has

increased (30). It has been suggested that aqueous and ethanolic

extract from plants used in allopathic medicine are potential sources

of antiviral and anti tumor agents (8). Furthermore, the selection of

crude plant extracts from screening programs has the potential of

being more successful in its initial steps than the screening of pure

compounds isolated from natural products (15).

With respect to the former field ,and over the last two decades,

an expanding body of evidence from epidemiological and laboratory

studies has demonstrated that some edible plants as a whole, or their

identified ingredients, have substantial protective effects on human

mutagenesis and/or carcinogenesis (18). In this regard, a progress was

made to under stand the biochemical mechanisms of dietary and

medicinal anti-mutagens and anti-carcinogens, and the investigators

have broaden the horizons to cover various aspects of

chemoprevention by edible photochemical or their mixtures (29).

The immune system is further related target of the medicinal

plant research. In this context, it is interesting to note that it has been

recognized for several decades that nutrition and health are closely

interrelated, and much research has focused on the nutrition effect on

the immune system and its proper functioning (16). More recently, the

effect of nutrition on chronic degenerative disease has become an area

of intense study, bringing about a shift in the concept of optimal

nutrition away from merely preventing diseases stemming from

nutrient deficiencies to reducing the risk of chronic diseases (13). One

group of nutrients thought to play a vital role in such disease

prevention is antioxidants. Evidence has been accumulating over the

past few years that many plant constituents not previously thought of


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as separate nutrients, for example the phenolic compounds, can act as

powerful antioxidants and immune modulators (26).

Micromeria spp. (Labiatae) are perennial herbs or

chamaephytes. The extract of these plants has been reported to have

some medicinal value, for example, the leaves have been reported to

possess anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects and are also used

against some other human ailments (inflamed eyes, wounds, skin

infections, stomachache, chest pain, colds, fevers, and others (21).

These plants are Known to be a rich source of essential oil

contents (mono and sesquiterpenes especially thymol, carvacrol), and

flavanoids, to which, the medicinal effects of Micromeria have been

ascribed (28).

This study aimed to extract the active compounds from

Micromeria myrtifolia and tested the cytogenetic and cytotoxicity

effect of the plant.

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Materials and methods

Laboratory Animals:

Albino male mice (Musmusculus) were used to carry out the

investigations of the present study. They were obtained from

Biotechnology Research Center (Al-Nahrain University). Their age

range was 8-9 weeks, and their weight was 23-27 grams at the

beginning of experiments. They were caged in the animal house of the

supplier, in which the temperature was 23-26°C, and a light: dark

periods of 10:14 hours/day.

The animals had free excess to diet (standard pellets) and

drinking water during all experiments.

Plant Extraction:

The plant powder was extracted with methanol solvents,50

grams of the powder were extracted in the solvent at 45°C for three

hours using the soxhlet apparatus. The resulted extract was

concentrated by rotary evaporated at 45°C, and the dry deposit was

obtained, the methanol deposit extract was dissolved in sterile distilled

water to prepare the doses (25).

Experimental Design:

Two doses of Micromeria myrtifolia were used to assess the

cytogenetic effects of extract, and their modulating effects of the drug

cyclophosphomide in albino male mice. Two stages were used in the


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First Stage:

In this stage, the cytogenetic effects on mitotic index of

Micromeria myrtifolia and cyclophosphamide were investigated. The

animals were divided into three groups:

1.GroupI: treated with distilled water (negative controls = 4 animals).

2.GroupII: treated with cyclophosphamide at a dose of 15 mg/kg

(positive controls = 4 animals).

3.Group III: treated with two doses of the Micromeria myrtifolia

plant extract (200, 400 mg/kg) (8 animals).

The tested materials were given orally as a single dose 0.1 ml

per a day for 7 days. Then the mice were sacrificed in day 8 for

laboratory assessments. The total numbers of mice in this stage were

Second Stage:

Cell line study of the plant Micromeria myrtifolia was carried

out in Biotechnology Research Center/Al-Nahrain University . In this

study, the preliminary screening on cytotoxic activity of Micromeria

myrtifolia was carried out .

The screening involved the investigation of cytotoxicity of

methanolic extract of Micromeria myrtifolia, then the extract were

evaporated until complete dryness. The screening of cytotoxicity was

carried out on tumor cell lien L20B and RD.

The percentage of growth inhibition was calculated according

to (22), and according to following equation:

Growth inhibition % = ×100 −

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Control Treatment cell


Laboratory Methods:

Mitotic index:

The metaphase index was assessed on somatic cells obtained

from the bone marrow of experimental animal mice, according to a

pre-established method (4), which was based on the following steps:

1. The animal was injected intraperitoneally with 0.25 ml of colchicin

solution with concentration of 1mg/ml, and after two hours,

the animal was sacrificed by cervical-dislocation.

2. The animal was dissected, and femur bone was removed and

transferred to two Petri dishes containing 5 ml of PBS.


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3. The femur bone was cleaned from muscles and other tissues, and

both ends were cut. Then, the bone marrow was obtained with

PBS 5 ml using disposable insulin syringe, and collected in a

test tube.

4. The cell suspension of tube was gently pipette, and centrifuged

2000 rpm for 5 minutes.

5. After discarding the supernatant, the cell deposit was suspended in

10 ml of a warm 37°C, hypotonic KCl (0.075M), and

incubated for 30 minutes in a water bath 37°C, with shaking

every 5 minutes.

6. The tube was centrifuged 2000 rpm for 5 minutes, and the

supernatant was discarded.

7. The cell deposit was slowly suspended in 5 ml of cooled fixative

4oC, and incubated for 30 minutes at 4°C.

8. Step 7 was repeated, and the cell deposit was gently suspended in 1-

2 ml of cooled fixative, to prepare a single cell suspension.

9. Few drops 4-5 of the fixed cell suspension were dropped vertically

from a height of about 3 feeton cleaned slides to give chance

for nuclei and chromosomes to spread well.

10. The slides were air-dried, stained with Giemsa stain for 15

minutes, rinsed with distilled water, and left to dry at room


11. The slides were examined under oil immersion lens 100X, and at

least 1000 cells (divided and non-divided cells) were scored.

Then, the percentage of metaphase cells (metaphase index)

was calculated according to the following equation:

Metaphase index (%) = x 100

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Number of Metaphase Cells ⎟

⎞ ⎜

Total Count

Cell line procedure:

This was applied according to the method adopted by (1).


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Results and Discussion

Metaphase index:

In the present study, only cells at metaphase were scored in

samples of bone marrow and there for the metaphase index was based

on the percentage of these cells. A treatment with Cyclophosphamide

caused a significant reduction in the metaphase index 2.44% as

compared to the negative control 2.76 %. In contrast the two doses of

extract were associated with a significant increased index 6.2% and

9.6% respectively as compared with both negative and positive control

Plant extract preparation is effectively and extensively used for

their medicinal properties, and they have become increasingly popular

worldwide (5).

Interest in a large number of traditional natural products has

increased (32; 30). It has been suggested that aqueous and ethanolic

extract from plants used in allopathic medicine are potential sources of

antiviral and anti-tumor agents (8). Furthermore, the selection of crude

plant extracts from screening programs has the potential of being more

successful in its initial steps than the screening of pure compounds

isolated from natural products (15).

One of the current strategies for drug discovery involved the

study of plant materials based on the ethnobotanical usage. The search

for anticancer drugs, use of a plant or plant materials for the treatment

of certain cancer-related disease can provide a guide for further

studies, this includes, cancer treatment, immune disorders, infectious

diseases, parasitic diseases and viral diseases (9).

The results indicate that Cyclophosphamide with its dose

resulted in the reduction of MI in mouse bone marrow cells. This may

be related to the proteins required for mitosis which were not

produced at the same quantities, or the code was not reached the cell

to induce it to proliferate, or the drug may cause the death of bone

marrow cells (31) or due to defect occurred in the mitotic spindle

composition during cell division (27).

The plant extract were significantly effective in increasing the

metaphase index of bone marrow cells, but the extent effect was dose

dependent. The lymphocytes are originated in the bone marrow

through the lymphoid lineage progenerater, which is the outcome

hemopoitic stem cell proliferation.

The latter outcome was investigated in term of bone marrow

metaphase index, which was significantly increased in mice treated


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with the dose of plant extract, and therefore, their absolute peripheral

count was excepted to be increased. M. myrtifolia extract contain

polysaccharides, and in this regard Biringanine and co-workers 2004

(6) suggested that several plant extracts of the family extract have

some therapeutically activities that could be dependent on the extracts

content of polysaccharides, and also it has been recently demonstrated

that polysaccharides isolated from fungal spp. (Ganoderma lucidum)

accelerated the recovery of bone marrow cells and total leucocyte

count in immunosuppressed mice (34).

Many herbs have a long history of use and of claimed health

benefits. However, herbal supplements and botanicals have potent

pharmacologic activity and, consequently, contribute to potential

adverse effects and drug interactions (20).

Table (1): Metaphase index of bone marrow cells (mean ± standard

error) of albino male mice treated with Micromeria myrtifolia

concentrated filtrate, distilled water (negative controls) and

cyclophosphamide drug (positive control).

Groups Dose

Positive Control



Negative Control

(Distilled Water) 2.76±0.21 0.00 ---09- A

200 First dose 6.2±0.3 147.03 B

Second dose 400 9.6±0.30 34.69 C

Different letters in the same column: significant difference (P ≤ 0.05)

between means.

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Mean ±


Error %





2.44±0.43 -18.44 15 A


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Figure (1): Cell in metaphase stage taken from mice treated with

extract showing normal chromosome.

Cytotoxicity of Plants Extracts on Tumor Cells:

The results of plant extract on their effect on both cell lines

shows there are also a significant differences (P<0.05) between means

of cell viability of each L20B and RD cultures treated with

Micromeria myrtifolia extract(Table 2).Micromeria myrtifolia cause a

significant decrease (P<0.05) in cell viability of L20B and RD cell

line for all concentrations to reach maximum significant decrease at

concentration 1000μg/ml in comparison with the negative

control(Figure 2 ; Figure 3).

However, natural products provide an inexhaustible source of

anticancer drugs in terms of both variety and mechanism of action

The use of herbal supplements by cancer patients in the

preoperative period is prevalent and consistent with the substantial

increase in the use of alternative medical therapies by cancer patients

(14). Anywhere from 25% to 85% of cancer patients are seeking

alternative and complementary nutritiona4l therapies for prevention or

during cancer treatment. The use of these therapies is highest among

patients with breast cancer 80% to 85% (19), prostate cancer 27% to

43% (17), and head and neck cancer 25% (10). In a study of 820

cancer patients receiving chemotherapy or radiation therapy, 29.1%

reported using complementary integrative nutritional therapies that

were not prescribed by their physician (14).


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Such findings can be considered important, especially if we

consider that methanol extract of members of Lamiaceae family

showed anti- carcinogenic effects, in vivo and in vitro and the dose

was effective in this regard (3; 11). Equally important, carcinogenesis

is normally preceded by mutation induced by different agents,

especially those that have oxidant effects(33; 2).

The terpens are a class of essential oil terpens that have many

biological and pharmaceutical activities, which can be useful to treat

human disease; for example, volatile terpens as monoterpens

sesquiterpens are known to have several pharmacological activities

including antibacterial, antifungal, antispasmodic (7), also they can be

used as potentiators of anti tumor agents which can increase

bioavailability of an orally administered hydrophopic pharmaceutical

compound by inhibition of cytochrome p450 and /or decreasing of p-
glycoprotein drug transport (12).

Table(2): Cytotoxic effect of Micromeria myrtifolia extract on the

growth of cancer cell line(L20B,RD).

Cell viability (Absorbance)

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M.myrtifolia M.myrtifolia

% (m)

















Negative control A


75 B


125 B


250 B


500 C


750 D


1000 D


Differences A,B,C,D,E are significant (p<0.05) to compression


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Figure(2): Growth inhibition percentage of Micromeria myrtifoliaon

L20B after 72hr.

Figure(3): Growth inhibition percentage of Micromeria myrtifoliaon

RD after 72hr.


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זוטה צפופה צמח מרפא 04-9952122

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